KC documentation (by Ken Silverman) KC was never intended to be easy to use. I wrote it for myself. Most of the keys are modelled after QC, a variant of the DOS editor (EDIT), which was my main editor at the time. I've been using KC as my primary editor ever since I wrote it in 1995. -Ken S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brief list of controls: Navigation: * Alt+F -> File dialog. Keys: N,O,S,Shift+S (save all tabs as spaces),A,X,ESC * Alt+S -> Search dialog. Keys: F,C,ESC * Change dialog keys: Y/Enter,N,ESC,A=All * Hold down the right mouse button (and move mouse) for smooth scrolling. Other useful keys: * F1: Show quick help. * F2: Load previous file. Good for file compare. (Careful: doesn't ask to save current file!) * F3/Alt+F3: Find next, previous * F4: Minimize * F5: Compile. Depending on file extension, it spawns either "nmake [current file]" or "javac [file]". If the exit code is 0, it tries to run the file. Otherwise, it pops up an error dialog. At the error diaog, use Up/Down/Enter(=jump to line)/ESC * Ctrl+Y: Delete line * Ctrl+=: Evaluate highlighted text. Use box highlight mode (see below for how to box highlight) to evaluate many rows - like a spreadsheet! Other features: * Shift Tab, Tab: Move highlighted text left/right. * Alt+[, Alt+]: Move highlighted text left/right if there's enough space for all lines. * Alt+G: Goto line dialog. Note: cursor position is displayed in bottom-right corner when not scrolling. It's dark on purpose! * Alt+J: Toggle show line length. Alt+J again to exit show line length mode. * Alt+K: Show silly font (I was bored one day :) Alt+K again to exit silly font mode. * Alt+L: Line draw dialog. Keys: 1,2,3,4,ESC, then use arrows. Alt+L again to exit line drawing mode. * Alt+(type 3 numbers on the keypad): Enter any ASCII character (range 32-255). * If you hold shift while pressing C or F to enter the Find or Change dialog, KC will match whole word and case on all future searches or F3/Alt+F3. * Click the right mouse button while highlighting with mouse to toggle between standard highlight and box highlight mode. * There are 2 clipboard buffers for copy&paste in KC. They each have their own dedicated keys: 1. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V: Uses windows clipboard 2. Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Ins: Uses internal buffer. (Careful: contents are lost at program exit!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KC history: 08/1?/1995: I wrote KC for DOS at the Apogee office. It was a 2-3 day project and well worth the effort. I was running out of memory in QC - my current editor at the time. It's no coincidence that I split the Build documentation (BUILD.TXT and BUILD2.TXT) in August of 1995. I looked at other editors, but none had keys that I liked. So I decided to write my own text editor. The initial version of KC was written in 32-bit Watcom C. It used 80x25 mode just like QC. Just for fun, I added smooth scrolling (in text mode) via the hardware registers. :) [important milestones from 1995-2000 missing] 07/06/1999: Fixed bug with change all. 09/10/2000: Fixed bug with change all (another one apparently). 12/25/2001: Added (Shift+)Tab (for highlighted text), Ctrl+Up/Down. 01/05/2002: Shift+Tab now compacts columns (different from Alt+'['). 08/08/2002: Started Windows port. Got most things working except keys. 08/10/2002: Optimized drawscreen in assembler and smoothed mouse code. 08/11/2002: Fully implemented LINEDRAW and GOTO dialogs. 08/12/2002: Finished port to windows; DOS version now obsolete. 08/16/2002: Fixed bugs on WinXP. 08/21/2002: Added Windows clipboard support using Ctrl+C/V. 08/29/2002: Added support for 16-bit color; implemented F4 key. 09/25/2002: Fixed F2 and added ALT+KP#'s (ASCII code 32-255 input). 09/26/2002: Added F6 (Exclusive mouse acquire) (and since removed). 09/27/2002: Added support for 24-bit color. 10/08/2002: Added KC.EXE (Win32 version) to website. 12/11/2002: Added support for 8-bit color. 03/09/2003: Fixed bugs with search dialogs, and added Ctrl+Up/Down. 07/26/2003: Added compile error dialog (See F5 key description). 02/08/2004: Added box highlighting. 02/15/2004: Fixed bug with copy for box highlighting. 07/26/2004: Fixed bugs with clipboard. 11/07/2004: Did thread priority for F5; Fixed bug when using F2 & F5. 12/16/2004: Fixed F5 fullscreen bug with DirectDraw. 01/14/2005: Added JAVAC & APPLETVIEWER support to F5 compiling. 01/17/2005: Fixed issues with F5 so it now works on Win98 & Win2K. 09/22/2005: Reduced CPU load significantly by using "smart" sleep when idle. 04/01/2006: Wrote & released KC_GUIDE.TXT. 01/13/2008: Integrate EVAL compiler: highlight text and press Ctrl+Enter. 11/20/2009: Can now evaluate multiple lines of independent calculations: Highlight text, press right mouse button, then Ctrl+Enter. 04/10/2010: Fix issues with GCC error dialog. 05/15/2010: Released source code. Note: code intended for M$ Visual C/C++ 6.0. 05/31/2011: Add match whole word&case to find/change: press Shift+C/Shift+F. 03/22/2012: Fix rare bug with Shift+F/Shift+C at beginning of line. 10/24/2012: Replace windows layer with cwinmain.c, fixing some mouse issues. 12/26/2020: Add F1 quick help dialog (inspired by Giorgos Vougioukas) Set title bar text with current filename and '*' if changed. (inspired by Giorgos Vougioukas) Show FPS at bottom-left. Show exact mouse position as white dot inside red chararcter cell. Add proper documentation for Ctrl+= (evalulate expression). Add support for Raspberry Pi (2016) - get source code to compile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------